CBD has gone from being a presumed ‘flavour of the month’ fad to an all-out obsession the world can’t get enough of. If the science of CBD is to be believed, this remarkable compound has more wide-reaching therapeutic properties than almost any conventional pharmaceutical on the market.
From relief from seizures to the treatment of mood disorders to anxiety prevention and so much more besides, CBD can apparently do it all. Unsurprisingly, demand for quality CBD products has resulted in the most enormous surge in CBD supplement availability. It’s a bandwagon everyone’s jumping on, fuelling the rapid and on-going growth of an already enormous market.
Unfortunately, not all CBD products are of the same high quality standard. Quite the contrary – a huge proportion of the CBD products on the market right now are pure garbage. Manufactured using low-grade CBD and in concentrations too weak to have any beneficial effects whatsoever, buyers are routinely being duped into wasting their money.
DIY Cannabis Crafting
For some, the appeal lies in the creativity of it all. For others, it’s all about taking complete control of what goes into their supplements. Whatever the reason, the popularity of DIY cannabis crafting is on the rise. Roughly translated – more people than ever before are making their own cannabis-related products at home.
In which case, why not your own CBD gummies?
Since edibles first made their way onto shelves, gummies have been among the most popular cannabis candies of all. In fact, Google’s official search records for 2018 found that ‘CBD gummies’ was one of the most popular food-related searches of the entire year. The more popular CBD gummies became, the more manufacturers started throwing their own candies into the mix.
Some CBD gummies are loaded with artificial ingredients that aren’t exactly good for your health. Likewise, others are made with vast quantities of sugar and the kinds of colourants that should probably have been banned by now. Even those that are made using decent quality ingredients often contain little to no CBD. Or at least, little to no quality CBD.
If you want to know what’s in there, you might as well make your own.
The good news being that making CBD gummies at home is surprisingly easy. Even if you’re not exactly talented or creative in the kitchen, you’ll find these gorgeous little gummies a walk in the park. Best of all, you’ll have total control over the purity and quality of the final result. Choose your own flavours, put as much CBD in as you like and enjoy the bragging rights that accompany DIY cannabis candy-making.
Here’s how it works:
CBD Gummies: The Supplies
- One large glass or metallic bowl
- A whisk (electric or manual)
- Heavy saucepan
- Moulds to shape the gummies
- CBD isolate (or quality concentrate)
- 350ml of fruit juice (your choice of flavours)
- One large teaspoon of honey
- Gelatine (vegan/vegetarian if preferred)
- Natural food colouring
CBD Gummies: The Method
- Use the quantity of gelatine as indicated on the instructions, which varies from one type gelatine to the next.
- Heat the honey and juice in a saucepan until melted and gently bubbling, before placing in a large bowl with the gelatine.
- Whisk the contents of the bowl together until completely combined, before giving it at least 5 minutes to cool down.
- At this point, you can add the quantity of CBD you like, either in the form of a liquid concentrate or a CBD isolate powder.
- Whisk in the CBD, after which you can add the natural food colouring of your choosing. If preferred, you can also separate the mixture into several bowls and make a bunch of different coloured gummies.
- Carefully pour the mixture into the moulds and give it a short while longer to cool if necessary.
- Place in the refrigerator when at an appropriate temperature and leave for a couple of hours.
- Remove the mould from the fridge, take the gummies out of the moulds and place them in a jar or plastic container with an airtight lid.
- You can dust the gummies in powdered sugar if you like, which can prevent them from sticking together in the container.
- Place the container somewhere cool and dry, where your gummies will remain fresh for up to several weeks.
It’s also possible to make a bunch of gummies with various different concentrations/quantities of CBD. If you want to experiment with dosage, follow the instructions as outlined above, but instead of putting the CBD concentrate or isolate directly in the mixture, place a few drops into the mould before pouring in the liquid. This way, you can make some stronger than others, which can be useful when attempting to determine your ideal dosage.
Experimentation is all part of the fun, so feel free to go nuts with different shapes, sizes and ingredients as you like. Just as long as the basic combination of liquid and gelatine is in there, you’ll come out with something you can use. You also stand to save a small fortune on the typical costs of cannabis gummies.
A Word on Dosage
If you’ve been prescribed or recommended CBD by a qualified physician, you’ll know exactly how much you should be consuming. If not, it’s advisable to start out with low quantities of CBD, before gradually improving your dosage as and when required.
If new to edibles, it’s also worth noting than consumption of cannabis (in any form) by way of edibles results in slower absorption than inhalation. Whereas vaping cannabis transfers THC and CBD into the bloodstream in a matter of seconds, it can take up to an hour or longer to feel the full effects from an edible. After which, the effects can be even more potent and long-lasting than inhalation, so it’s important to exercise caution.