27 September at 9:41

What Is THCA and How Is It Used?

  If you thought THC was the be all and end all with cannabis…well, you’re not exactly in the minority. For millions of stoners all over the world, all that matters is THC. And plenty of it. The greater the THC concentration, the more intense the high. Which for a lot of people really is [...]

25 September at 9:55

The Benefits of Industrial Hemp and Legalization 2017

Hemp is a historically industrially useful plant.  Paper, clothes, rope, fibers, and other products can be made out of it. It’s seeds can be used as both human food and animal feed. The oil from industrial help can be used to treat epilepsy.  As important as hemp was historically, because it is technically a form [...]

22 September at 10:09

A Working Cannabis Breathalyzer is on the Horizon…Sort of

As cannabis continues to become a more normal part of everyday life, so will cannabis testing. Not to mention, the on-going debate as to the safety or otherwise of traces of THC in the systems of motorists. Both recreational and medical cannabis are causing enormous problems for those looking for safe and effective ways to [...]

19 September at 9:43

Cannabis and Glaucoma, Does It Really Work?

Cannabis has been used in the past as a major treatment option for glaucoma, and while it is still a potent pain reliever and blood pressure reducer there have been other significant breakthroughs in treatment. An honest look at the condition and its treatment options should reveal a path that works for everyone. What is [...]

13 September at 9:41

Eliminating Stress and Anxiety Using Cannabis

Let's face it, life can be very stressful. If you're like so many people, your job, family and everyday life presents challenges that can really stress you out. You already know that cannabis can help you de-stress from a hard day at work or help to relieve anxiety from worries. However, there are methods to [...]

6 September at 10:54

Coca Leaves, Much Maligned but What’s the Truth?

Coca is a sadly maligned drug, and it being illegal is as heinous as marijuana still being illegal in many jurisdictions. Coca for thousands of years was chewed by the inhabitants of the Andean mountains. Chewing coca leaves, with lime or baking soda releases small amounts of cocaine and other alkaloids. This gives the chewer [...]

23 August at 10:37

Cannabis and Schizophrenia- Does Cannabis Cause Schizophrenia?

Is there a connection between cannabis and schizophrenia? Are you afraid of trying medical marijuana or cannabis products, because you've heard that it could cause you to “go crazy”? A lot of experts on the subject, including mental health professionals have alleged that cannabis causes schizophrenia. Let's look at the facts. Cannabis and Schizophrenia- The [...]

17 August at 9:55

Does Holding a Toke Get You Higher?

Does Holding a Toke Get You Higher? Whether you consider yourself to be the most seasoned stoner on the face of the earth or something of a newcomer, it’s guaranteed that you’ve pondered this particular question more than a few times. On a global basis, the subject of exactly how long you should hold in [...]

15 August at 10:01

Accessing MMJ in New York and the High Cost of Doing So

High Cost of Medical Marijuana in New York State New York State finally legalized marijuana in 2016. It should be great news. But it isn’t. Any form of marijuana that can be smoked is illegal in New York. Medical marijuana is extremely expensive. The state has just a handful of dispensaries, so there’s not much [...]

3 August at 9:36

Oregon’s Decriminalizes Drugs as DC Considers Bill to Legalize Cannabis

House Bill 2355 has passed both houses of the state legislature in Oregon and is expected to be signed into law by Governor Kate Brown. This decriminalizes heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, LSD, oxycodone, and MDMA. Possession of these in usable amounts is only a felony if someone has a prior felony conviction. While this is [...]

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