2 August at 10:06

Prohibition Related Violence Is Behind Mexico’s Legalization of Cannabis

The cartel related violence has again exploded this year in Mexico. Clearly the war on drugs is a war the Mexican government cannot win. Just as other governments have failed to eradicate drug use, including the American government, the government in Mexico is attempting to battle the cartels militarily, this ultimately escalated the conflict further. [...]

14 July at 4:28

Dealing With Bothersome Bouts of Cannabis Paranoia

There’s nothing in the world that can kill an epic buzz quite like an unwelcome dose of paranoia. Not that paranoia is ever particularly welcome, of course. Contrary to popular belief, cannabis-related paranoia is something that affects the vast majority of cannabis users at some point or another. While it’s highly unlikely that the world’s [...]

5 July at 9:52

Double Celebration for the International Church of Cannabis in Denver

For the most part, the Colorado cannabis community has had a lot to celebrate as of late. What’s been a figuratively religious experience for some, has recently become an actual religious experience – for the people of Denver, at least. This April brought about two more well justified reasons for celebration for the International Church [...]

28 June at 9:59

Cannabis Use as a Parent – Tackling the Taboo

The subject of cannabis use as a parent has to be one of the most heavily debated and contested in the western world right now. As more nations, states and regions give the green flag to both recreational and medical cannabis, questions are being asked as to the appropriateness of using cannabis as a parent. [...]

23 June at 10:45

How To Pass A Drug Test? Flush Weed From Your System

While the legalization of cannabis in parts of the United States is all well and good, this isn’t stopping thousands of businesses all over the place implementing regular and wholly unannounced drug tests. For existing employees and potential new hires alike, having any kind of cannabis in your system…even if you’ve been dry for days…can mean [...]

15 June at 10:27

One Toke Over the Line? 37 Signs You’re Probably Too High

Is there really such a thing as being too high? It depends on whom you ask – what some would consider to be ludicrous levels of inebriation others call an everyday indulgence. Tolerance levels differ and we all get something slightly different out of the experience, but there are still certain universal signs that you [...]

26 May at 12:38

Five Reasons Why Connecticut Should (and Probably Will) Legalize Pot

There’s much debate right now about which North American states will be the next to legalize recreational cannabis. The one thing that everybody knows for sure is that it is absolutely a case of when it happens, at opposed to if. There are already several potential proposals and measures being discussed behind closed doors and [...]

19 May at 10:20

Spring: Time to Get Planting Outdoors…But Should You?

Once again, it’s that glorious time of year when it finally becomes possible to head outside without risking the case of hypothermia. Depending on where you live, spring has the wonderful potential to bring home those delicious notes of nicer weather ahead, following a winter that seemed never-ending. Not only this, but assuming you’re lucky [...]

17 May at 11:51

Ripping on JaK D’Rippa – Magic Flight’s New Dabbing Device

Photo by Anne Loupy Vaporizing is the new juice cleanse of cannabis: a clean alternative to smoking without carcinogens. And with ever-growing technology, flavors are enhanced rather than compromised. With these advances, devices have improved in addition to the concentrates. No longer are you confined to a hunky piece plugged into the wall, [...]

4 May at 1:17

Guidelines for Growing Autoflowering Cannabis at Home

While the basics of cannabis cultivation are relatively simple, it is a subject that isn’t without its complexities. Primarily due to the way in which there are subtle yet important differences that separate pretty much every strain of cannabis across the board, when it comes to ideal growing conditions, suitable methods and so on. What’s [...]

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