28 April at 10:06

Seven Silly Examples of Pointless Pot Propaganda

As studies into the benefits of cannabis continue, more unfounded fiction is being replaced with scientific facts. Which is precisely why it is a good idea to occasionally revisit the pointless propaganda that is still being perpetuated by prohibitionists even today. It seems that there are some for whom even proven scientific evidence isn’t enough [...]

26 April at 3:05

San Francisco Counts Down to World’s First Weed Gym

Traditionally, cannabis and fitness have not been associated with each other particularly closely. While it’s not to say that you cannot be a stoner and also the epitome of physical fitness, actual exercise – as in working out – isn’t considered to be something interlinked with cannabis. Which for the most part comes down to [...]

24 April at 10:47

New Study Identifies Synthetic “Cannabis” Use Risk Factors

Yet another study has produced evidence to suggest that rather than focusing on traditional cannabis, authorities could really do with cracking down on synthetic cannabis more severely. Across the United States and more recently the United Kingdom, ‘Spice’ has become a problem of epidemic proportions. Research suggests that younger people with depressive symptoms may be [...]

11 April at 10:11

The Sorry State of Cannabis Research, Summed Up in Four Pictures

When the subject of cannabis comes up, you probably conjure the same mental picture as the rest of as. You think of those gorgeous, glistening nugs of the most spectacular size and density, far too sticky to break up by hand and with the most wonderful tapestry of colours. When anybody mentions medical cannabis, you [...]

6 April at 2:37

San Diego Bans All Pot Business in Unincorporated Areas

It’s already been four months since California not only took recreational marijuana to the ballot box, but also gave it the green light by a solid enough majority. Which was largely as predicted, with the state now pegged to quickly become the single most important recreational cannabis destination/region in the United States. If not, the [...]

4 April at 10:27

Moving Cannabis Products Across State Lines – What is the Legal Status?

Marijuana distribution could face increased US federal scrutiny and enforcement despite the growth of legal state markets By now, most of us have seen Sean Spicer’s and Jeff Sessions’ vague comments hinting at greater enforcement federal enforcement efforts against legalized marijuana. AG Sessions has yet to put forth any formal federal enforcement priorities that would [...]

31 March at 10:12

Why Anyone Opposing Cannabis Legalization is Just Plain Wrong

We never have been and never will be the types to deny people their own personal opinions and viewpoints. After all, it would be an incredibly boring world if each and every one of us thought the same way. No new ideas, no intelligent discussion and no room for improvement where improvement was possible. But [...]

29 March at 10:41

Make Your Own Cannabis Tea

If you’ve been on a coffee kick lately and you feel the effects of the harsh caffeine addiction, you might want to consider tea instead. I think it is needless to say that tea is better for you. Not only has it been a tradition for millenniums, but it also carries caffeine in a prettier [...]

27 March at 10:22

Jeff Sessions’ Latest Foot-in-Mouth Moment

Sigh…it’s pretty sad when we live in an era where the very mention of the United States Atty. General is enough to send a collective cold shiver down the spines of every cannabis campaigner and industry player in the country. It all comes down to simple democracy. Or in the current instance, a distinct lack [...]

17 March at 10:55

Breaking Into the Cannabis Industry – Is Now the Time?

As far as stock market investors are concerned, the marijuana industry is one of the hottest topics of all right now. The prospect of pumping money into the fledgling industry at such an early stage in order to capitalise on near-guaranteed explosive growth is universally appealing to say the least. Right now, there are thousands [...]

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