If you consider yourself to be a seasoned stoner, chances are you have fallen into some kind of routine or another. Chances are you are also as guilty as everyone else of perpetuating a whole bunch of stereotypes. You smoke, you indulge in a Netflix binge, you play the same music, fire up the same video games and so on. Not that there’s anything wrong with these kinds of activities, it’s just that if you don’t occasionally get a little more creative…well, you’re missing out on some seriously epic opportunities.
In some instances, doing pretty much the opposite of what your instincts tell you to do at the time could well represent one of the most amazing things to do while high. It’s pretty much a case of exploring anything and everything you haven’t yet tried after or during a good smoking session. Or should that be, anything that isn’t fundamentally dangerous to you or anyone else!
So with this in mind, what follows is a brief introduction to 10 seriously awesome things to do while high, which in most instances go well and truly against the usual stay-at-home-stoner-circle stereotypes:
Things to Do While High: No 1 Walking
First of all, going for a walk while high can be an experience that falls at either end of the spectrum. It can be incredibly uplifting, or it can be downright harrowing. In this instance however, we’re talking about the kind of walk that is guaranteed to put you in a fantastic mood for the entire day. Think not about the kinds of places where there will be plenty of people to make you potentially paranoid. Instead, think about the kinds of parks, gardens and open green spaces where there will be nothing but you and nature at its finest. It might sound like a lot of effort to make, but rest assured that after strolling through a stunning forest and hand-feeding the squirrels a few nuts, it will be almost impossible to wipe the smile off your face.
Things to Do While High: No 2 Theme Parks
There are basically two rules to follow when it comes to making the most of amusement parks while high. The first rule is not to overstep the mark when it comes to your decisions with regard to whether or not you intend to continue puffing away with families in the vicinity. The second is to try and time your visit for a random morning in the middle of a working week, which in turn means you are less likely to annoy anyone with your antics and will also benefit from the shortest possible queues. Rest assured that even if you think you are something of a badass when it comes to your tolerance for terrifying rides, you might just find yourself screaming like a baby girl on the kiddie rides!
Things to Do While High: No 3 Arts & Crafts
Seriously? Actually yes, whilst it might sound like the exact opposite of fun, it’s worth remembering that creativity and cannabis really are the best of bedfellows. Arts and crafts really doesn’t have to be boring – especially if you have your own place and as such the liberty to make a complete and utter mess of anything and everything you like. Try your hand at a bit of interior design, give some furniture a makeover with a lick of paint or take your creativity outdoors. Just go with your inspiration. And if you don’t have any, keep smoking until you do.
Things to Do While High: No 4 Writing
It’s also exactly the same story with writing…no pun intended. Even if you don’t believe you have any writing talent whatsoever, you might be surprised what you can come up with when you stop thinking about it too much. The idea with stoner scripting being that you get yourself into a position where your hand seems to take over the job and your brain doesn’t really get to say what happens. Sometimes you’ll come out with nonsensical ramblings, other times you might find it much more insightful and inspirational. Either way, it’s pretty safe to say that by the time the next morning rolls around, you’ll have something seriously entertaining to read. And if you’re really proud of your work, why not submit it for publishing online?
Things to Do While High: No 5 Make Music
Just for the record, the answer is no – we aren’t talking about shredding that plastic guitar for another night of Rock Band. Instead, we’re talking about arming yourself with a musical instrument of pretty much any kind whatsoever and seeing what you can come up with. Go for the classic cliché acoustic guitar if you like, but don’t overlook the thousands of other options available to you. Actually, feel free to overlook the bongos as an exception, just for the sake of not walking into the territory of the totally predictable.
Things to Do While High: No 6 Photography
If you can muster the courage to drag yourself out into the wild for some time, another highly entertaining venture can be that of testing your photography skills. You don’t need to have a specific plan or target of any kind in mind, simply head out with your camera and take pictures of anything and everything that interests or entertains you at the time. When you get home, fire up another joint and spend some time editing the photographs using whatever software is available to you. Capturing interesting visuals and summarily doctoring them with your own hands can be highly rewarding and entertaining at the best of times. Try it out while high and you might just find yourself hooked for hours.
Things to Do While High: No 7 Cosplay
If it isn’t something you’ve already tried, you should definitely make the effort to indulge in a little Cosplay. Not necessarily that kind of cosplay, although to be perfectly honest that would probably be even more epic. In this instance, we’re talking about making your presence known at a renaissance festival, a comic convention or really anything elsewhere people leave their everyday personas at the door. It can be nothing short of spectacularly liberating to take on the guise of someone or something else while high as a kite. And even if you cannot quite bring yourself to dive head-first into the action, just sitting around and watching folks do their thing never fails to entertain.
Things to Do While High: No 8 Build Something
It’s really not until you get stuck into some kind of home DIY project that you realise it really does have the potential to be every bit as fun as Lego for adults. Lego is always an option, but how about building something you’ll actually use around the home? From stash boxes to tables to that classic stoner spice rack and so on, there are literally thousands of different things you could have a crack at building with leftover bits and pieces. How about a brick barbecue for the garden? Your own outdoor pizza oven? A bar? When you really start thinking about it, there must be plenty of things you’d like to have around the home…why not make the effort to build them yourself?
Things to Do While High: No 9 Cooking
Admittedly, cooking doesn’t exactly come across as something unusual to indulge in while high. However, rather than sticking with the same old staples you usually knock up after a few joints, why not push the boat out with something truly ridiculous? These days, you can get hold of actual Michelin Star recipes online without having to pay a penny for them. Likewise, the kinds of wild and wacky dishes that emerge from the likes of Heston Blumenthal are also readily available. The only difference being that in your instance, you find one way or another to transform whatever it is you cook into nothing short of a marijuana masterpiece. This will no doubt involve preparing yourself a batch of canna-oil or canna-butter before going ahead. But to be perfectly frank, if this isn’t something you’ve already done…well, shame on you!
If you do want to cook with cannabis check here for mistakes you don’t want to make.
Things to Do While High: No 10 Get Busy
Last but not least, it is slowly but surely becoming apparent that in terms of medicinal properties, cannabis is gaining a reputation as the new Viagra. But while Viagra basically just plays hell with your blood pressure for a couple of hours, cannabis has an incredibly intense effect on absolutely every element of sex. From libido to orgasm intensity to the kind of relaxation that makes experimentation so much easier, millions of couples all over the world are finding that cannabis is and always has been the solution to kicking their sex lives into overdrive. So if you haven’t already brought cannabis into the bedroom, consider this the prompt needed to get busy with it right now!