On a global scale, Great Britain is slowly but surely beginning to look like a sad relic of times gone by…at least, when it comes to marijuana policy. Not only is it apparent that lessons and inspiration are most certainly not being learned from overseas nations, but also that the UK public in general is predominantly supportive of a change in current legislation. But then again, when did democracy ever have any real impact on these kinds of things?

According to an official blurb from the Home Office, there is “no obvious relationship between the toughness of a country’s enforcement against drug possession, and levels of drug use in that country”. So whether it’s a slap on the wrist or the prospect of being publically beheaded, it apparently has no bearing at all on national drug use. As far as the British government is concerned…at least in terms of its public statements…its views and stance of marijuana are still pathetically outdated. But at the same time, the last five years have seen cannabis-related arrests in the UK plummet by close to 50%. Which would seem to suggest that decriminalisation is to a certain extent happening, though is being largely denied and hidden.

As far as false logic goes, the UK Gov has really managed to hit a home run. The way they see it, the fact that cannabis use in the UK and cannabis arrests alike have been falling over recent years, they believe this to indicate that things are working just fine as they are. Strict laws on cannabis are having the desired effect and therefore should be kept as they are. In reality however, cannabis convictions are declining only because police officers are increasingly being told to ignore cannabis offenses. And as for cannabis use, it clearly comes down to completely uninfluenced personal choice as never has there been a more readily available supply of weed on UK streets.

Whichever way you look at it, even a moron could figure out that this is the definition of false logic.