Last up, the classic marijuana joint may be the smoking method of choice for the overwhelming majority of stoners, but it’s also the least efficient by far. First of all, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you need a hell of a lot more cannabis to pack a joint than you do t generously fill a bowl. Secondly, from the moment you light your joint you are allowing precious cannabis to slowly but surely burn away, drifting into the air and largely going to waste. And thirdly, while it may be extremely satisfying and impressive to come up with braid joints, rose joints, cross joints and so on, they are quite spectacularly inefficient when you consider how much smoke is actually going to waste in between hits.
Of course, none of the above is of any relevance whatsoever if you are made of money or lying on a life-long stockpile of bud. But if you happen to live in the real world where cannabis isn’t free and money doesn’t grow on trees, you might want to think at least occasionally about how efficient your approach to smoking really is.