There’s something else that needs to be taken into account as well when it comes to the potential advantages of outdoor cannabis growing. Terroir refers to the exact characteristics of any given place by way of its climate, geology and geography. Each of these things has a massive impact on the genetics of local plant species and the way in which native plants grow and develop. This is precisely why the world’s highest quality wines are associated with certain regions – terroir has a massive impact on the properties and the quality of grapes grown, region by region.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of people do not seem to take into account the fact that it is exactly the same story for cannabis. Admittedly, this is the kind of consideration that will only have any real bearing on true connoisseurs, but if you do consider yourself to be a connoisseur of cannabis, it’s something you cannot afford to overlook. Outdoor cannabis grown in ideal conditions in the ideal region is considered by experts to be superior to absolutely anything that could ever be grown indoors.
Quite simply, there are so many subtle environmental elements that absolutely cannot and will not be accurately replicated indoors, regardless of how far technology takes us in the years to come.