Last but not least, you can say what you want about Donald Trump (and most people quite rightly do), but when it comes to the possibility of nationwide cannabis legalisation, he’s by far and wide your best bet. It’s not as if he’s ever been in a position of political office before and chances are he won’t be this time either. Nevertheless, he makes no secret of his stance in favour of cannabis decriminalisation which goes way above and beyond that of any other candidate.
As far back as the year 1990, Trump was quoted as saying that current efforts to control drug use in the United States were a joke and that in order to take the power back from drug dealers and gangs, all drugs should be legalised. In addition, he suggested that every tax dollar collected by legalising drugs could then be pumped backing to efforts to reduce drug abuse and illegal drug dealing.
He personally seems to believe that building his giant wall between the United States and Mexico represents one of the most important initial salvos in winning the war on drugs. Other than this, he believes that the campaign can only be started properly if all drugs are legalised nationwide. It’s not that he necessarily wants to start allowing heroin and methamphetamine to be sold in your local supermarket, but rather call for a new system of control and legalised distribution.
And it’s not as if he doesn’t have at least some logic to his arguments. A recent report commissioned by the White House found that America’s illegal drug trade was worth in the region of $100 billion annual, of which at least $40 billion comes entirely from cannabis. Trump argues that no less than $40 billion was spent in 2010 by the American government to try and bring the war on drugs under control – all of which came to nothing.
As such, by stopping the war on drugs and putting production and distribution control in the hands of the government, he argues that this would save an immediate $40 billion and rake in tens of billions more in tax dollars.
Not that any of this is actually going to happen, but still…food for thought, if nothing else!