5 June at 2:23

Has Your Weed Gone Bad? Here’s How to Tell

Those that have suddenly found themselves with the legal right to grow their own cannabis probably feel like all their birthdays have come at once. All across the United States, it’s an absolute dream come true for millions of cannabis fans at all levels, who technically speaking never have to purchase a single gram of [...]

1 June at 3:12

Could Cannabis Cure Alzheimer’s? Study Suggests It Can

It’s becoming clear that when it comes to the incredible medicinal properties of cannabis, we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s truly possible. Just when it seems as if scientists have made the most extraordinary breakthrough to date, along comes another handful to take things several steps further. Even in the instances of certain diseases [...]

26 May at 12:38

Five Reasons Why Connecticut Should (and Probably Will) Legalize Pot

There’s much debate right now about which North American states will be the next to legalize recreational cannabis. The one thing that everybody knows for sure is that it is absolutely a case of when it happens, at opposed to if. There are already several potential proposals and measures being discussed behind closed doors and [...]

19 May at 10:20

Spring: Time to Get Planting Outdoors…But Should You?

Once again, it’s that glorious time of year when it finally becomes possible to head outside without risking the case of hypothermia. Depending on where you live, spring has the wonderful potential to bring home those delicious notes of nicer weather ahead, following a winter that seemed never-ending. Not only this, but assuming you’re lucky [...]

16 May at 1:00

Theresa May Won’t Legalise Because Cannabis is a Gateway Drug

British Prime Minister Theresa May, yesterday said that she will not be legalizing cannabis in the UK because she believes that cannabis can lead to mental health problems and acts as a gateway to Heroin use. This comes hot on the heels of the Liberal Democrats pledge to legalise cannabis if elected. Yesterday on a Facebook [...]

15 May at 11:21

Casey Jones – A Hybrid With a Spicy Fuel Taste

It doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out how the epic strain that is Casey Jones got its name. If you’re unfamiliar with this outstanding hybrid, it was engineered by master breeders using the genetics of Sour Diesel, Thai and Trainwreck. As you may or may not know, Casey Jones was the name of [...]

11 May at 2:46

Make Cannabis Dull to Keep It Under Control, So Says Canada

All across the United States, the fledgling legal cannabis industry is facing one very specific and important hurdle. In fact, it is probably just about the only thing that both cannabis critics and industry players alike can comprehensively agree on. Which is, of course, the small matter of ensuring that cannabis stays out of the [...]

4 May at 1:17

Guidelines for Growing Autoflowering Cannabis at Home

While the basics of cannabis cultivation are relatively simple, it is a subject that isn’t without its complexities. Primarily due to the way in which there are subtle yet important differences that separate pretty much every strain of cannabis across the board, when it comes to ideal growing conditions, suitable methods and so on. What’s [...]

28 April at 10:06

Seven Silly Examples of Pointless Pot Propaganda

As studies into the benefits of cannabis continue, more unfounded fiction is being replaced with scientific facts. Which is precisely why it is a good idea to occasionally revisit the pointless propaganda that is still being perpetuated by prohibitionists even today. It seems that there are some for whom even proven scientific evidence isn’t enough [...]

27 April at 2:37

Violator Kush from Barney’s Farm

Violator Kush is a strain created by Barney's Farm carrying genetics of the glorious strain used to create Malana Cream Hashish and combining them with Hindu Kush, Violator Kush is nothing short of a legend in the making. Unsurprisingly, as a plant that has strong ancestry in the manufacture of premium hash, that’s exactly what [...]

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