27 October at 2:52

The Top 10 All-American Cannabis Strains

Every cannabis connoisseur has their favourite region of origin. For some, nowhere has done bigger or more important things for cannabis culture than the United States. Indeed, it’s hard to dispute the fact that some of the most incredible cannabis the world has ever seen was born in the USA. But which are the best [...]

18 October at 9:21

Is There a Difference Between Recreational and Medical Cannabis?

It wasn’t until 2012 that Washington State and Colorado introduced America’s first legal recreational cannabis bills. Prior to this, the only cannabis available legally in North America was medical marijuana. Dozens of states now permit the sale and consumption of medical cannabis for qualifying conditions, while a total of 11 states have so far legalized [...]

9 October at 2:29

10 Cannabis Statistics You Really Need to Know

In terms of its size, value and general popularity, America’s legal cannabis industry is setting new records on a daily basis. 11 states and the District of Columbia have so far legalized recreational cannabis, while 33 states plus DC now permit the use of medical marijuana. But how much do you really know about cannabis [...]

3 October at 1:09

Cannabis as a Treatment for ADHD

Slowly but surely, medical cannabis in general is becoming a less controversial topic on a global basis. With countless studies having categorically illustrated the potential benefits and applications of medical pot, its place in medicine is no longer a subject of debate. But at the same time, this doesn’t mean that there are not certain [...]

16 September at 2:27

What Is Decarboxylation and Why Does It Matter?

It’s often assumed that the THC you need to get high is ready and waiting in fresh cannabis flowers. In which case, you could simply eat a bunch of fresh buds and get baked as you like. Hence, it often surprises cannabis newcomers to learn that raw cannabis actually contains almost no psychoactive compounds whatsoever. [...]

9 September at 2:19

Diagnosing and Dealing with Overwatered Marijuana Plants

When getting started with cannabis cultivation, it can be difficult to balance hydration. In fact, even the most experienced home growers occasionally struggle to get things right. Of all the cannabis cultivation challenges you’re likely to encounter, none are more common than overwatering. It’s exactly the same with most house-plants in general. You know they [...]

2 September at 2:02

Common Mistakes When Making Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis cooking has come a long way since the dry, bland and boring brownies of years gone by. These days, it’s all about experimentation. Different quantities of THC, CBD-heavy concoctions for medicinal purposes and an extraordinary range of weird and wonderful recipes. And with legalization doing its thing in the United States, there’s never been [...]

25 August at 9:07

Is It Possible to Overdose on CBD?

CBD has been hitting the headlines globally more regularly than THC as of late. For the first time, the world is taking a greater interest in the therapeutic properties of CBD than its psychoactive counterpart. All of the reasons being the sudden all-round availability of CBD products in a variety of shapes and forms. Even [...]

18 August at 10:52

How to Cope With a Cannabis-Critical Partner

Every relationship comes with its own unique challenges. Your taste in food, your political views and your general outlook and everyday life could be quite different to that of your partner. But when one of you is a committed cannabis connoisseur and the other abstains, things can get particularly tricky. To a degree, it depends [...]

28 July at 9:51

Sun Rocks: Too Strong for Snoop?

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog over recent days and weeks, you’ll have no doubt picked up on our introductory guide to moon rocks. Those being the super-strong nuggets of goodness that combine high-quality cannabis bud with super-strong hash oil, all topped off with a liberal dose of kief. The result being a [...]

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