17 January at 10:58

Male Plants: Can They Get You High?

It’s one of the most commonly asked questions in cannabis circles worldwide. Not to mention, a highly disputed argument that generates all manner of wild and wacky claims. The question being – what does science tell us about male cannabis plants? More specifically, is it possible to get high by smoking in any of the [...]

12 January at 10:20

The Biggest and Best CBD Strains Money Can Buy

At the risk of generalising, most cannabis users are all about tetrahydrocannabinol. THC being the psychoactive cannabinoid responsible for delivering that uplifting ‘high’ that’s synonymous with cannabis consumption. As such, it is common for cannabis users to search high and low for the strongest strains they can lay their hands on – ideally packing as [...]

5 January at 11:49

10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Stoner Should Consider

Why do most new year’s resolutions fail? Because they suck…period. If you’re serious about your resolutions for 2019 and intend to make them stick, it really isn’t rocket science. You simply need to think of the kinds of things you should be doing but currently aren’t, which will benefit you in the long-run. Of course, [...]

30 December at 10:49

Wanna Get Higher than High? Don’t Hold Your Breath…

Everyone has their own unique set of ‘rules’ when it comes to getting higher than high. We’ve all tried all manner of weird and wonderful things to feel a bigger buzz – some of which turn out to be more successful than others. But then there are those standards that are followed instinctively by millions [...]

29 December at 11:28

Marijuana by Mail: Neither Safe nor Sensible

Pot by post has been a thing for some time now. Even prior to legalisation across much of the United States, it wasn’t exactly difficult to find somebody somewhere selling cannabis online. Today, buying and selling pot via the web is easier than ever before. Whether on the lookout for Star Tonic or a batch [...]

29 December at 11:27

Blunts Vs Joints Vs Spliffs – What’s the Difference?

It’s the kind of faux-pas every cannabis newcomer makes at some point or another. You refer to one particular consumption method by entirely the wrong name and find yourself the laughing stock of those who know what they’re talking about. As far as some are concerned, it really doesn’t matter how you hit it…just as [...]

6 September at 11:47

Guide to Growing Cannabis

  If you are interested in growing cannabis indoors, you must realize that it is entirely different from growing the plant outdoors. Indoor cannabis farming poses more challenges compared to outdoor farming. To grow healthy plants indoors, you must replicate the outdoor environment that the plants receive the right growing conditions are available. There is [...]

28 August at 10:56

Cannabis 101: Ingest Or Inhale

Do you live in a state where recreational cannabis is legal? Are you new to cannabis and unfamiliar with the ways you can extract its medical benefits or are just looking for an enjoyable high? One of the most important aspects of cannabis you must consider is how you’ll consume. There are two main means [...]

6 August at 1:55

Honey, Meet Cannabis | Benefits and Recipe

Honey is a favorite all-natural sweetener, antimicrobial, antioxidant and antibacterial substance and a byproduct of one of the hardest working species contributing to a healthy ecosystem. Bees just do their job – produce honey. But it isn’t all punch-in, punch-out collapse on the couch. These hardworking nectar-mongers are sipping on sweet, sweet juices all day [...]

7 June at 10:12

Cannabis Herbal Blends | Teas, Vape Blends & Essential Oils

Cannabis is an herb. That’s obvious. So, doesn’t it make sense that it would pair well together with other like-minded herbs to create power herbal blends? Cannabis has been demonised over the years for its psychoactive effects and still has a stigma of being a class 1 drug (worse than synthetic drugs like cocaine). The [...]

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