17 December at 3:49

6 Christmas Activities That Are Better High (and Three That Aren’t)

Long hair, good vibes and a penchant for peace. If Jesus really did exist, he was almost definitely a stoner. Hence, what better time of year to get stuck into some seriously top-shelf cannabis than Christmas? Across much of the world (sorry Brits), legalization has transformed the face of cannabis culture like never before. In [...]

2 January at 12:57

10 Cannabis New Year’s Resolutions That Don’t Suck

Not to be defeatist, but there’s probably a pretty good chance you’ve already broken your new year’s resolutions. That is, unless you have made the kind of half-assed resolution that doesn’t really mean anything…cutting down on canned lima beans, for example. The way we see it though, there’s a far better approach to new year’s [...]

19 July at 9:31

Better Bitters with Cannabis- Make Your Own Cannabis Bitters

Photo by Sam Schiller If you are a craft cocktail concocter or just an enthusiast, you will have an appreciation for the craft of bitters. Angostura is your basic orange peel and spices, but many bartenders have started to create their own rhubarb, blood orange, cilantro or lavender bitters to give their cocktails [...]

6 December at 10:24

The Ten Most Epic Joints You’ll Ever See

So you probably think that you and your buddies have from time to time rolled a few epic joints. Sorry to say it but you haven’t. Or at least, you haven’t when compared to the kinds of joints the world’s most dedicated artists are coming up with. Now, you might argue that rolling OTT joints [...]

11 November at 11:50

Ten of the Best DIY Bongs…Ever!

Best Homemade Bongs Ever! Pretty cool Bong that didn't make the cut Bongs. A gift from the Gods to all pot smokers the world over. There’s a time and a place for joints, blunts, pipes, vaporizers and so on, but there will always be moments when only an epic bong will suffice. If you consider [...]

5 October at 12:37

Video – How Do Drugs Effect Spider Web Patterns

How Do Different Drugs Effect Spiders Web Patterns These spiders make some pretty bizarre web patterns and they show some even more bizarre behavior. Watch As The Crack Spider Steals Others Another Spiders Web This ones for some light relief. Enjoy watching as the THC spider builds a hammock and the meth spider has a [...]

13 September at 4:22

How to Tell You’ve Become a Cannabis Food Snob

It’s pretty much fair to say that cooking with cannabis really is a pleasure to end all pleasures. Actually that’s not quite right – cooking with cannabis and summarily eating whatever the you come up with is the ultimate. Legalization of recreational cannabis in a variety of circles has led to the kind of gastronomic [...]

1 September at 5:43

10 Things to Do While High You Might Not Have Tried

If you consider yourself to be a seasoned stoner, chances are you have fallen into some kind of routine or another. Chances are you are also as guilty as everyone else of perpetuating a whole bunch of stereotypes. You smoke, you indulge in a Netflix binge, you play the same music, fire up the same [...]

26 August at 5:35

10 Fatal Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking with Cannabis

Given the fact that you can technically throw pot into anything at all doesn’t mean that this constitutes a culinary cannabis success. Now more than ever, experienced chefs and plucky amateurs from all over the world are getting busy with seriously innovative and adventurous marijuana meals. But at the same time, a much larger contingency [...]

26 August at 11:32

How to Work Out If You Should Be Smoking More Weed

Here’s a question – how much weed is too much weed? The answer…well, ask a thousand stoners the same question and chances are 999 of them will answer the same – there’s no such thing. Everybody with at least half a working brain could probably figure out for themselves when the time comes to smoke [...]

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