20 July at 2:10

Catching the Red Eye – And Dealing With It!

Whichever end of the spectrum you happen to be in personally, red eye remains one of the great mysteries of marijuana. You know it happens, you know how your own body reacts to cannabis use, but at the same time you probably have no idea why. Not only this, but you may also have no [...]

20 June at 8:18

Stoner Etiquette – 37 Rules to Live By (Volume 1)

While it’s fair to say that most stoners live by their own unique rules to some extent, there are also plenty of rules the whole lot of us should be abiding by. In general, stoner etiquette is a subject of much debate and controversy, as you’ll always find deliberately difficult people who go out of [...]

20 June at 7:29

Stoner Etiquette – 37 Rules to Live By (Volume 2)

As you probably know by now (or at least should), we decided to take the bold move of sharing our very own stoner etiquette guide with our devoted fans and followers. Unsurprisingly, more than a few entries stir up quite a bit of controversy and discussion, which if we’re perfectly honest is exactly what we [...]

12 June at 6:14

Epic Stoner Pranks You Just Have to Try Out

Just to nail one very important point before going any further, no…we don’t think freaking out anyone who’s had too much is a good idea. Taking advantage of someone else’s steadily-accelerating freak-out for your own entertainment really isn’t cool. So when it comes to freaking out the already-freaking, we say no…don’t even do it. However, [...]

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