8 January at 11:03

Safe or Not: Pets’ Exposure to Cannabis Smoke and Intake

Here’s everything you need to know about your pet’s exposure to cannabis and accidental intake of your edibles and pots Have you seen and watched hilarious photos and videos of pets getting high after accidentally eating their owner’s edibles and pots These animals either ate or got their paws into their owner’s marijuana showing signs [...]

2 September at 2:02

Common Mistakes When Making Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis cooking has come a long way since the dry, bland and boring brownies of years gone by. These days, it’s all about experimentation. Different quantities of THC, CBD-heavy concoctions for medicinal purposes and an extraordinary range of weird and wonderful recipes. And with legalization doing its thing in the United States, there’s never been [...]

6 August at 1:55

Honey, Meet Cannabis | Benefits and Recipe

Honey is a favorite all-natural sweetener, antimicrobial, antioxidant and antibacterial substance and a byproduct of one of the hardest working species contributing to a healthy ecosystem. Bees just do their job – produce honey. But it isn’t all punch-in, punch-out collapse on the couch. These hardworking nectar-mongers are sipping on sweet, sweet juices all day [...]

28 June at 12:13

The Second Life of Vaporized Dry Herbs

Reusability is one of the key marketing components in the modern market. It allows the user to find a purpose for certain product even after its original use is no longer possible. When it comes to using vaporizer on those "green days", a lot of people are left wondering should they throw the leftover weed [...]

7 June at 10:12

Cannabis Herbal Blends | Teas, Vape Blends & Essential Oils

Cannabis is an herb. That’s obvious. So, doesn’t it make sense that it would pair well together with other like-minded herbs to create power herbal blends? Cannabis has been demonised over the years for its psychoactive effects and still has a stigma of being a class 1 drug (worse than synthetic drugs like cocaine). The [...]

23 April at 10:08

Baked with Baked Mac & Cheese

The bitter cold is still roaring in parts of the world, and that means I’m going to cook up the type of meal that sticks to my bones like stews, goulash, oatmeal, mashes, pot roasts, etc. Nothing beats a warm and hearty meal to sail you through the winter until Spring roles around. And what’s [...]

7 February at 10:36

Getting Baked With Pot Brownies

We are all familiar with the cliché of pot brownies. Even to this day, everything I bake and then offer to friends and family is questioned with, “Are these special?” I understand their wariness but I am also a bit offended that they think I would offer them a psychoactive baked treat without telling them! [...]

18 December at 11:06

Remedy for Holiday Stress and Satisfying a Sweet Tooth: Molasses Spiced Canna-Cookies

Remedy for Holiday Stress and Satisfying a Sweet Tooth: Molasses Spiced Cookies - low-carb, gluten-free, low-glycemic, dairy-free and possibly vegan. The holidays bring the stress of family gatherings and the cravings for sweets and baking spices. When it comes to combatting both, this recipe has your back. This sweet-enough molasses and holiday spice cookie is [...]

22 November at 11:05

Pumpkin High is Easy as Pie: Medicated Pumpkin Pie Recipe

It’s Thanksgiving season and everyone is reserving their turkey birds and preparing for the annual feast. Usually, everyone brings a dish to dinner which makes the feast even greater. But, I think, the one thing everyone takes for granted is that the traditional dessert of Pumpkin Pie will just appear. Who actually makes it and [...]

24 October at 11:19

How to Make Your Own Cannabis Olive Oil

As you probably know by now, there are literally thousands of wild, wacky and wonderful cannabis edibles doing the rounds. Whether looking to get high or medicate without resorting to inhalation, you’ll no doubt find yourself spoilt for choice. Nevertheless, there are a couple of cannabis products absolutely every consumer should have a ready supply of. [...]

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