30 August at 11:54

Making Your Mark on the Cannabis Industry – Getting a Foot in the Door

Right now, the global cannabis industry is booming like never before. When combining newly authorised recreational marijuana sales with a staggering medical cannabis industry, you’re looking at a multi-billion-dollar annual tally in the United States alone. And that’s despite the fact that only four states to date have legalized recreational marijuana – medicinal cannabis still [...]

25 August at 11:32

10 Cannabis Questions We All Wanted Answered as Amateurs

We are as guilty as anyone else when it comes to publishing articles and blog posts that are almost exclusively for season stoners. But at the same time, we also recognise the fact that there are plenty of noobs out there just looking for a few pointers. After all, it’s not as if any of [...]

19 August at 3:58

The 10 Stoner Commandments to Live By

Generally speaking, it’s never a good idea to tell a stoner how to smoke pot. The reason being that one thing all seasoned stoners will no doubt agree on is the fact that as long as you enjoy what it is you are doing, there’s really no such thing as a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way [...]

17 August at 3:05

Cannabis Scare Stories Still Being Used to Influence the Masses

All over America, the reality as to what exactly happens when cannabis is legalized is beginning to hit home. Both Colorado and Washington states were considered to be the most important social experiments in cannabis culture the US would be likely to undertake. In no uncertain terms, we’d find out soon enough whether legal weed [...]

15 August at 1:39

Cannabis Hangovers – Dealing with the Day After

The only thing worse than a seriously hideous cannabis hangover is being told by some smug outsider that there is no such thing. Anyone who tries to tell you cannabis hangovers don’t exist has clearly never had one because a) they don’t smoke cannabis or b) they smoke cannabis on a 24/7 basis and have [...]

10 August at 1:25

The Ten Best Tasting Cannabis Strains Right Now

For some, cannabis quality is measured by way of potency. As far as they’re concerned, the higher the THC levels, the better…and that’s pretty much the end of the matter. For others, potency doesn’t hold nearly as much relevance as yields. In such instances, the focus is on producing as much as possible as quickly [...]

9 August at 2:43

The Best Stoner Movies That Just Never Get Old

The Best Stoner Movies Ever Tell anyone who likes to get high and watch a great film that "x" is on of the best stoner movies ever and you'll start a debate that could last for days. It's as bad as when you ask what the best strain ever is, we all have different tastes, [...]

7 August at 4:34

25 Unsettling Scenarios Every Seasoned Stoner Will Know

Here is our selection of 25 disconcerting situations every well versed stoner will recognise.

4 August at 11:50

Global Cannabis Use – A Brief History

Depending on where you happen to live, right now could very well be one of the most exciting periods in the history of cannabis use. After a seemingly endless period of ignorance and small-mindedness, we’re slowly but surely entering an era where both science and common sense are taking precedence over outdated assumptions and prejudice. [...]

3 August at 2:47

Famous Faces Who Toke for Medical Purposes

Celebrities have the potential to be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to marijuana and the whole legalisation debate. In some instances, they may come out with deeply insightful statements, they take a stand against ridiculously outdated law and a generally do their bit for the cause. In other instances, however, they [...]

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