26 July at 2:57

The Most Absolutely Epic Stoner Quotes of All Time

If you’re a smoker, it’s guaranteed that you will occasionally come out with the kinds of one-liners that really do deserve a place in the history books. The only problem being that not only are you not famous enough right now for anyone to listen, but chances are you will have completely and totally forgotten [...]

22 July at 2:17

Famous Faces with Drug Busts On Their Records

It’s commonly assumed that if you are a famous Hollywood type (or at least a well-known figure of some description), you can pretty much make up your own rules as you go along. And it’s a rule that seems to apply when it comes to drug use too, as while it’s not exactly uncommon to [...]

8 July at 1:52

What’s the Best Weed Strain of All Time?

It’s the ultimate question in the world of weed – which is the best weed strain of all time? We've all sat and pondered on this and many a discussion has been had in living rooms all over the world. It’s also an impossible question to answer too, as it all comes down to whom you [...]

4 July at 1:14

One (and Only One) Reason to Vote Trump – Legal Pot!

Regardless of where you happen to live in the world, it’s probably safe to say that you have your own very unique opinions on one Donald Trump. And if you happen to have a modicum of common sense about you, chances are your particular opinion isn’t exactly positive. There are quite literally millions of American [...]

1 July at 1:10

More Doctors and Medical Professionals Support Marijuana Legalisation

It’s not until medical professionals give their backing to weed legalisation that much of the world listens. Not that all the scientific evidence in the world will ever be enough to convince hard-line critics, but still…the more experts that take the side of common sense, the better. Which is why this week’s developments have been [...]

30 June at 12:01

Fact: The Smell of Marijuana is Not a Problem…So Says US Court

It’s pretty much inevitable that as cannabis legalisation slowly but surely makes its way across more of the world, critics are going to find increasingly creative ways of throwing tantrums. The simple fact of the matter is that we are never going to find ourselves in a time when everyone agrees on existing marijuana policy [...]

29 June at 11:46

Cannabis Legalisation in the UK – The Eternal Fight for Common Sense

The subject of cannabis legalisation in the United Kingdom is interesting, important and infuriating in equal measures. Any government willing to fire its leading government-appointed drug expert simply for telling the truth and not agreeing with archaic public health policy is always going to be an odd one. You’re a leading scientist, you proclaim quite [...]

27 June at 11:28

Canada Set to Show the US Cannabis Industry How it’s Done

You’d be forgiven for thinking that if you were lucky enough to run a leading marijuana dispensary in Denver, you’d be pretty much set for life. Not only this, but you’d also be lucky enough to have landed yourself the dream job of a lifetime. In reality however, and despite the fact that this is [...]

24 June at 11:22

114 Reasons Why the Weed Vs Alcohol Debate Is Over

Chances are that even centuries down the line, the world will still be debating whether marijuana or alcohol represents the bigger public menace. We live in an era where mass confusion and contradictory governmental policies are pretty much the everyday standard. Some say it comes down to the incompetence of officials, while others believe it’s [...]

22 June at 9:42

The Stoner Bucket List – 30 Things to Do Before You Die

At the risk of bumming out a fair few readers, let’s face – the bell tolls for every last one of us. Which means there are basically two ways you can approach the time between now and then. You can spend the time you have worrying about the inevitable and basically living into a pit [...]

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