6 November at 12:10

Hermaphrodite Cannabis Plants: The Facts You Need to Know

In the weird and wonderful world of cannabis plants, hermaphroditism isn’t as rare as you might expect. While it’s not the kind of thing we often see affecting humans or the animal kingdom, it’s surprisingly common with plants. In fact, it is a perfectly natural feature of many plants and trees – some of which [...]

29 September at 9:28

Can I grow my MMJ in Montana?

K – I want to grow my medicine but don’t know if I can. Can I grow MMJ in Montana? Thank you for asking such a great question, and during these times of change, people understandably want to be on the right side of the law. Places that permit legal cannabis use on some level [...]

4 September at 1:02

Sugar Leaves – Trash or Treasure?

Growing your own cannabis from scratch can be a uniquely rewarding experience. All that time, effort and commitment invested along the way - it’s a process that bears many similarities with parenthood. And when your babies reach full fruition, you want to ensure they’re put to use in the best possible way. There’s no such [...]

5 June at 2:23

Has Your Weed Gone Bad? Here’s How to Tell

Those that have suddenly found themselves with the legal right to grow their own cannabis probably feel like all their birthdays have come at once. All across the United States, it’s an absolute dream come true for millions of cannabis fans at all levels, who technically speaking never have to purchase a single gram of [...]

19 May at 10:20

Spring: Time to Get Planting Outdoors…But Should You?

Once again, it’s that glorious time of year when it finally becomes possible to head outside without risking the case of hypothermia. Depending on where you live, spring has the wonderful potential to bring home those delicious notes of nicer weather ahead, following a winter that seemed never-ending. Not only this, but assuming you’re lucky [...]

4 May at 1:17

Guidelines for Growing Autoflowering Cannabis at Home

While the basics of cannabis cultivation are relatively simple, it is a subject that isn’t without its complexities. Primarily due to the way in which there are subtle yet important differences that separate pretty much every strain of cannabis across the board, when it comes to ideal growing conditions, suitable methods and so on. What’s [...]

11 April at 10:11

The Sorry State of Cannabis Research, Summed Up in Four Pictures

When the subject of cannabis comes up, you probably conjure the same mental picture as the rest of as. You think of those gorgeous, glistening nugs of the most spectacular size and density, far too sticky to break up by hand and with the most wonderful tapestry of colours. When anybody mentions medical cannabis, you [...]

20 March at 10:30

Growing Cannabis at Home, What’s the Easiest Way to Get Started?

When some people set up to grow cannabis at home, they’ll do anything to produce generous yields. In other instances, it’s all about the quality and potency of the final product. And then there are those that set out to engineer any number of weird and wonderful cannabis strains all of their own, in order [...]

24 February at 10:53

How to Grow Cannabis in Maine, Without Getting in Trouble

Let's take a closer look at one of the states that has recently legalized recreational cannabis, though Maine tends to take a back seat in the press to the likes of California and Massachusetts. Millions of people all over Maine recently woke up to a new era when not only is recreational cannabis now legal, but [...]

23 February at 10:30

The Simple Secrets to Growing Bigger, Better Buds

One question the vast majority of cannabis growers ask at some point or other is – what can I do to grow bigger, better buds? All growers have to start out somewhere and coming out with some seriously impressive results the first time just isn’t a realistic expectation. When you first start you may find yourself [...]

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