6 October at 11:52

Alcohol Industry Tries To Protect Sales By Funding No Campaigns – But Does Legal Weed Effect Alcohol Sales?

As you’re no doubt very much aware, there’s a huge a seriously important debate going on right now in the US, with regard to the future of cannabis. We’re on the brink of seeing the number of states with legalized recreational cannabis doubled, while more than half of the country could soon permit medical marijuana. [...]

6 October at 11:35

Cannabis Oil And Epilepsy

Cannabis Oil Epilepsy Watch Alex talk about the challenges he faced when his daughter was having 40-50 seizures every day. She took 9 different medications which had little effect. Alex researched and persuaded his Dr to prescribe medical Marijuana for his daughter before facing further challenges as the law only permitted use of dry herb [...]

30 September at 3:56

The Case Of The Munchies

The Case Of The Munchies by LaughingTree Follow LaughingTree on MassRoots Why do we get the munchies, and choose the types of food we eat when we do? We cannabis tokers have been dealing with the munchies since the first green was put in a makeshift pipe and lit, but why does it happen? The [...]

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