As already mentioned, Uruguay comprehensively tops the table when it comes to cannabis policy, given the way in which there is technically no such policy in place. It’s been a rather complicated transition and the laws are in some instances still being finalised and processed. Nevertheless, Uruguay will go down in history as the first and for the time being the only country in the world to 100% legalize the marijuana market across the entire country. For most of those, it’s fundamentally impossible to imagine living somewhere where cannabis is for the most part as legal as cabbage. Not only this, but when you legalize the cannabis industry and allow citizens to begin growing their own, the price of high quality bud plummets. How low? Well, let’s put it this way – in Colorado and Washington State, a gram of legal marijuana of decent quality will cost you between $20 and $30. A little further south in Uruguay, you would be able to pick up the same gram for no more than $1. Uruguayan citizenship, anyone?