5 January at 11:32

Cannabis Clubs in Sunny Barcelona

There’s a huge cannabis scene in Catalonia and throughout all of Spain.  In order to buy cannabis there, one must become a member of a cannabis club. It’s perfectly legal to smoke either in the club or in the privacy of your own home. However, you can’t just show up at a Barcelona cannabis club [...]

14 July at 4:28

Dealing With Bothersome Bouts of Cannabis Paranoia

There’s nothing in the world that can kill an epic buzz quite like an unwelcome dose of paranoia. Not that paranoia is ever particularly welcome, of course. Contrary to popular belief, cannabis-related paranoia is something that affects the vast majority of cannabis users at some point or another. While it’s highly unlikely that the world’s [...]

18 November at 12:53

10 Reasons to Start Drinking Less and Smoking More

Alcohol Vs Weed We’re not ones to preach…or course not. We’re very much the ‘live and let live’ types, simply offering our own helpful pointers for the benefit of those bothering to read them. But at the same time, we’re also about common sense and doing things right. Which is precisely why although [...]

18 November at 10:59

Solved: Is Cannabis Today Stronger than 30 Years Ago?

  Cannabis stronger now or in the past? The debate as to whether cannabis is stronger today than it was a few decades ago rages hard on both sides of the argument. Anti-cannabis campaigners are constantly floating the baseless suggestion that as cannabis is stronger today, it poses a bigger ‘danger’ than it [...]

14 November at 1:09

Elderly Underworld Cannabis Growers On the Up Nationwide

British Grandmother Grows To Support Herself Not the Grandma from the documentary but this one grew hers accidentally. These days, it’s not uncommon to come across cannabis users who’d rather than pay for the buds they crave decide to set up a few plants at home. Even in countries and regions where it [...]

11 November at 11:50

Ten of the Best DIY Bongs…Ever!

Best Homemade Bongs Ever! Pretty cool Bong that didn't make the cut Bongs. A gift from the Gods to all pot smokers the world over. There’s a time and a place for joints, blunts, pipes, vaporizers and so on, but there will always be moments when only an epic bong will suffice. If you consider [...]

31 October at 2:43

Marijuana Mythbusting – 11 Growing Myths NOT to Buy Into

Marijuana Mythbusting With so many states becoming legal in the US, countries decriminalizing and now Europe seeing a rise in countries legalizing medical use there has been an explosion in people wanting to grow cannabis at home. Starting from scratch with no experience, growing cannabis is quite frankly a daunting process and a guiding hand [...]

27 October at 4:03

The Most Googled Weed Questions and Their Answers

Google has done a pretty impressive job of removing all the mystery and wonder from life in general. These days, it’s hard to imagine a world where there is anything you couldn’t find out in an instant. In decades gone by, if there was something you didn’t know, you just didn’t know it. If you [...]

27 October at 1:13

12 Things Made Way Better with Weed

Ask any seasoned stoner and they’ll tell you the same. The only thing better than getting high as a kite is getting high as a kite and doing something. Doing what exactly? It doesn’t really matter – just as long as you aren’t going to kill anyone in the process, experimentation breeds awesome results. There [...]

21 October at 11:15

11 Annoying Stoners You’ll Wish You Never Lit Up With

You might be under the impression you’re 100% unique, unlike any other stoner and impossible to categorise. In reality however, this really isn’t the case at all. Your habits, preferences and the kinds of things you do that annoy the hell out of those around you…well, let’s just say you’re definitely in the same bracket [...]

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