13 October at 12:26

A Few Signs You’re Not Actually a Pothead

If you’ve been keeping up with us lately…of course you have…you’ll have no doubt spotted our article on how to determine if you’ve become a premier pothead. Say what you want about labels, but it’s pretty safe to say that seasoned stoners of the highest calibre couldn’t be prouder of who they are and what [...]

11 October at 12:00

How To Tell If You’ve Become A Premier Pothead

Just as there will always be those who call themselves potheads but are nothing of the sort, other habitually deny what’s obvious to everyone around them. Is being a pothead something to be proud of? It depends who you ask, but if you’re happy with what you do and love the way you live your [...]

5 October at 3:23

Cannabis Superstitions – Share Your Thoughts!

If there’s one thing we can say for sure about mankind, it’s that we’re a superstitious species. Pretty much since the dawn of time, humans have held a literally incalculable number of beliefs and theories on almost everything to do with both life and the unknown. You only need to look back to say Egyptian [...]

26 September at 3:24

The Best And Worst Of Pot Propaganda – Depressingly Hilarious

Propaganda. A wonderfully reliable go-to used by those with no real facts to share when trying to program and control the gullible. Throughout history, propaganda has been used for a thousand and one questionable purposes. And in most instances, it’s eventually been slated for the lame and lazy attempt to confuse and control it almost [...]

23 September at 4:05

You Think Cannabis Should Be illegal! Here’s Why You Are Wrong

If there was a single justifiable reason why cannabis is illegal, it wouldn’t be so annoying. Literally, just one specific piece of evidence to suggest that it really is worth investing billions in the control of cannabis production, distribution and indeed prosecutions. But there isn’t, and chances are there never will be. In the United Kingdom, [...]

19 September at 4:24

Eight Things to Expect When Your State Legalizes Cannabis

If you happen to live in any of the North American states where cannabis is now legal…well, consider yourself one of the lucky ones! As the rest of the country (not to mention the world) waits for news on its own future domestic pot policies, a few select states are demonstrating just how epic legalization [...]

14 September at 4:37

What You Need to Know Before Heading to Amsterdam

They say that Amsterdam is one place that absolutely every cannabis fan in the world should visit once in their lifetime. In reality however, Amsterdam is the kind of place you should visit as often as realistically possible. It may not be the only cannabis destination in the world right now, but it is nonetheless [...]

6 September at 4:27

10 Things Far More Deadly Than Cannabis

In the United Kingdom, cannabis is classified as a Class-B drug. In the United States, Federal law lists cannabis as a Schedule 1 narcotic. What this basically translate to in both instances is that both governments consider cannabis to be a dangerous and addictive substance that has absolutely no beneficial medical properties whatsoever. To a [...]

2 September at 4:19

Alcohol Vs Cannabis – Putting to Bed a Pointless Debate

If you are part of the critical cannabis camp that would like to see marijuana in general banned for all eternity, question for a minute your reasoning. Chances are, the first and most obvious arguments that come to mind are those that centre around health and safety. The long and short of it being that [...]

1 September at 5:43

10 Things to Do While High You Might Not Have Tried

If you consider yourself to be a seasoned stoner, chances are you have fallen into some kind of routine or another. Chances are you are also as guilty as everyone else of perpetuating a whole bunch of stereotypes. You smoke, you indulge in a Netflix binge, you play the same music, fire up the same [...]

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