7 February at 10:55

Cops Back Legalization as California Heads for $7 Billion Windfall

You’d be forgiven for thinking that the vast majority of police officers would be against the decriminalisation of cannabis. A number of polls carried out to date have brought to light evidence that semi-legalization of pot has a tendency to place cops in something of an awkward position, wherein they’re stuck between a rock and [...]

2 February at 10:21

US Cannabis Industry Value to Top $21 Billion by 2021

Prior to partial legalization, one thing that was never in doubt about the U.S. cannabis industry was the way in which it was going to be extremely lucrative. Exactly how lucrative is something that would only be determined in time, given the way in which legislation would largely dictate how, when, where and by whom [...]

30 January at 11:41

All You Need to Know about Legal Cannabis in California

On the surface, the legalization of recreational cannabis in California sounds like a relatively simple thing. In reality, it’s pretty much the exact opposite. The reason being that Proposition 64 is a 62-page-long document that spells out immensely detailed and complicated terms and conditions, with regard to exactly how recreational cannabis will be regulated and [...]

26 January at 11:05

Legalize 2017 – Which Countries Are Next?

Legalize 2017 While 2016 may have been one of the most important years for cannabis legalization in history, advocates on a global basis are already looking to the future. Or should that be, looking forward to a more liberal and proactive future in terms of cannabis policy. Right now, the United States is leading the [...]

24 January at 11:15

The Game to Partner with California Marijuana Dispensary

These days, becoming a superstar in any music genre takes a lot more than making good music. Hitting the big time means being as proficient on the business side of things as you are in the studio. In fact, the latter of the two can be even more important. Most musicians don’t like to talk [...]

5 January at 10:27

Tommy Chong on Post-Trump Cannabis Policy

When it became official that Donald Trump was to be the next president of the United States, the whole world gasped in collective shock. Hell, even saying the words ‘President Trump’ at this stage feels weird…and that’s putting it lightly. The cannabis community in particular didn’t exactly take kindly to the notion of Trump taking [...]

3 January at 10:57

Massachusetts Cannabis Bill Delayed In Secret Session

One of the things we’ve learned since various North American states like Massachusetts decided to take cannabis to the polls is the fact that legalization isn’t quite as quick and easy as it seems. Even in instances where recreational or medicinal cannabis romped home with a decisive victory in the vote, actually getting things up [...]

29 December at 10:32

Scam Artists Target Maryland Patients with Early-Access Cannabis Cons

You’d like to think that medical marijuana would be the kind of thing that everyone with generally negative intentions would stay away from. If you’re on the critical side of the fence and don’t believe in the stuff, you have no right to tell others not to use it. They might not believe in prescription [...]

28 December at 10:25

Cannabis Drug Tests Aren’t Going Anywhere

Employers Can and Will Drug Test Even if Cannabis is Legal One of the most common misconceptions that has come up frequently in the weeks after adult-use marijuana legalization in California is that employers can’t or won’t test for marijuana exposure anymore. This is absolutely false and it’s time that we clear this up! Why [...]

23 December at 10:51

DEA ‘Knows Cannabis Is Safe’, Won’t Give Up Its ‘Cash Cow’

Sometimes, hearing lawmakers, experts and officials admit that cannabis is actually safe can be extremely satisfying. Knowing that longstanding arguments in favour of cannabis legalization have been given further weight by those in prominent positions is generally only ever a good thing. But at the same time, there are also instances when and where these [...]

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