22 December at 10:38

Colorado Sells Cannabis Worth $1 Billion in 10 Months

Whichever way you look at it, Colorado is doing a fantastic job of proving just how beneficial the legalization of recreational cannabis can be. Not only has the black market for marijuana pretty much dried up state-wide and driven thousands of criminals off the streets, but the extent to which legal cannabis is benefiting the [...]

21 December at 11:01

Recreational Cannabis Is Go – Recount Cancelled in Maine

Across most North American states that took recreational and medical cannabis to the vote in November, the result had long since seemed like a foregone conclusion. In most instances, it proved as such - cannabis having been legalized by a relatively sizeable margin. However, the same couldn’t be said for things over in Maine. Despite [...]

19 December at 10:40

California Warned of Slow, Complicated Rollout of New Cannabis Legislation

For the cannabis community over in California, the one thing nobody wanted to see or hear was any kind of buzzkill following the passing of Proposition 64. Well, none other than the obvious bummer of Trump’s chosen cabinet so far, but that’s kind of by the by and we’ll see how it pans out. Unfortunately [...]

14 December at 10:41

UK Pot Policy ‘Embarrassingly’ Outdated, MPs Warn

The United Kingdom is falling embarrassingly, some say even dangerously behind when it comes to its domestic drugs policy. As the United States continues its journey towards total decriminalisation of cannabis, it’s as if things in the UK have somehow got stuck in a tired and frustrating loop. That’s the warning issued to the British [...]

12 December at 10:35

New Bill Could Legalize Cannabis and Opium Across India

Cannabis In India Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t only the United States where cannabis legalization has been changing and is expected to continue changing radically as of late. In various parts of Europe, New Zealand, Australia and indeed India, cannabis is one of the hottest talking points of recent years. The cannabis scene in [...]

8 December at 10:50

Canada’s Cannabis Policy, What’s Really Happening With Legalization?

Things are certainly happening right now for Canada’s fast-developing cannabis industry. However, whether things are heading in a wholly positive direction is a matter of some debate. What we know for sure is that the country is on the brink of becoming one of only two countries in the world where cannabis is legalized at [...]

7 December at 10:33

CanPay Launches America’s First True Cannabis Debit System

One of the biggest of all grey clouds hanging over the cannabis industry in the United States is of course the bizarre stance adopted by the federal government. Realistically, it’s little wonder much of the public remains confused as to where they stand with cannabis policy. Step things up to a business level and things [...]

1 December at 3:36

Ireland to Pass Medical Cannabis Bill Today

Today could be a great day for Irish medical patients as the Dáil is expected to pass a vote for use of medical cannabis prescribed by Doctors. The government has said that it will not oppose the vote intended to legalize medical cannabis. The bill was put forward by Gino Kenny of the People Before [...]

30 November at 4:10

The ONS Has placed Cannabis Possession As The Least Severe Crime In England and Wales

Today the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released their new crime severity scores for England and Wales. Unsurprisingly Cannabis possession has been placed as the least severe crime you can possibly commit. Somewhat of a surprise is the category in which this crime falls, Crimes Against Society. Yes, that's right a Crime Against Society! [...]

28 November at 10:42

The Appointment of Jeff Sessions Is the Pot Community’s Worst Nightmare

Of the three candidates for the job, we’ve only gone and ended up with the worst-case scenario… It’s pretty safe to say something the United States cannabis community in general did not want to see is the establishment of a new White House administration with a decidedly anti-pot agenda. Over recent years, much of the [...]

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