6 October at 11:52

Alcohol Industry Tries To Protect Sales By Funding No Campaigns – But Does Legal Weed Effect Alcohol Sales?

As you’re no doubt very much aware, there’s a huge a seriously important debate going on right now in the US, with regard to the future of cannabis. We’re on the brink of seeing the number of states with legalized recreational cannabis doubled, while more than half of the country could soon permit medical marijuana. [...]

4 October at 3:34

Chelsea Clinton Says Cannabis is Killing People…Even Though it Isn’t

Chelsea Clinton Says Cannabis Is Killing People! So the big debate over in the United States right now is whether and to what extend cannabis should be legalized. As nine states prepare to head to the ballot boxes this coming November, we could be looking at the most significant change in cannabis policy in US [...]

3 October at 3:30

Weed Reporter Who Quit Live on Air Could be In for Decades Behind Bars

Weed Reporter Who Quit Live on Air Could be In for Decades Behind Bars Unless you’ve been out of the loop for a VERY long time, you will have no doubt come across the story of a certain reporter who quit live on air, having decided to take a stand against anti-cannabis types. It was [...]

3 September at 10:30

10 Things We Do and Don’t Know About Synthetic “Cannabis”

Right now, it seems like a barely a week passes without another story illustrating just how dangerous and downright stupid synthetic cannabis really is. It may be known by hundreds of different names, but in each and every instance what you are looking at is exactly the same thing – potential death in a bag. [...]

22 August at 5:57

Phelps Makes History…Despite His 2009 Bong Hit!

The debate as to how and if cannabis has any effect on athletic performance is old and on-going. Not that the average stoner would likely associate the two – weed not being the kind of thing that usually makes you want to hit the gym. Still, it’s considered the kind of substance that’s dodgy enough [...]

4 August at 11:50

Global Cannabis Use – A Brief History

Depending on where you happen to live, right now could very well be one of the most exciting periods in the history of cannabis use. After a seemingly endless period of ignorance and small-mindedness, we’re slowly but surely entering an era where both science and common sense are taking precedence over outdated assumptions and prejudice. [...]

25 July at 3:00

Why Cannabis Is Totally the New Viagra

It’s really no secret in this day and age that marijuana has so many incredible medicinal properties we are only just beginning to discover. It’s been known for quite some time that quality cannabis can work wonders as a pain reliever, not to mention a seriously effective treatment for anxiety, depression, insomnia and so much [...]

6 July at 1:21

Synthetic Cannabis – Why you should stay away!

If there’s one thing you can say for sure about the recreational drugs market, it’s that folk are always on the lookout for something capable of recreating the effects of cannabis. Which for the most part comes down to the fact that recreational marijuana is still illegal in most regions, meaning that if there is [...]

5 July at 1:17

Guess What – Young Weed Smokers Are Not Ruining Their Future Lives

If there’s one question about marijuana that’s been asked more than any other, it’s that of whether or not smoking cannabis as a teenager has a negative impact on later life. Critics have argued for decades that marijuana use as a youngster has a detrimental effect on health, education, professional success and so on as [...]

1 July at 1:10

More Doctors and Medical Professionals Support Marijuana Legalisation

It’s not until medical professionals give their backing to weed legalisation that much of the world listens. Not that all the scientific evidence in the world will ever be enough to convince hard-line critics, but still…the more experts that take the side of common sense, the better. Which is why this week’s developments have been [...]

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