11 July at 11:17

Incredible Edibles: Making Cannabis Pesto

This is a truly remarkable recipe for cannabis pesto, which as far as we’re concerned is quite simply the easiest and best you are likely to come across. The brilliant thing about cannabis pesto is the way in which not only can it be used in literally thousands of different ways, plus it also keeps [...]

13 June at 11:29

Bhang Bang: Recipe and Explosive Effects of this Holi Traditional Drink

Photo by Migle Bhang. An explosion. A loud noise. A sudden burst of action. It is a familiar word though the spelling may be unfamiliar. The little h hidden in this word stands for a multitude of things: healing, happy, hypnotic, hellish, and, especially the last, high. High doesn’t even begin to describe [...]

29 March at 10:41

Make Your Own Cannabis Tea

If you’ve been on a coffee kick lately and you feel the effects of the harsh caffeine addiction, you might want to consider tea instead. I think it is needless to say that tea is better for you. Not only has it been a tradition for millenniums, but it also carries caffeine in a prettier [...]

2 March at 10:52

How and Why Do We Use Decarboxylation When Making Cannabis Edibles?

Questions Answered about Decarboxylation You’ve probably heard the word thrown around and might understand that it has some sort of importance when you light up. It’s a big scientific word, but what does it have to do with your high? Here are your answers to the basics of decarbing your herb. Decarboxylation Definition Decarboxylation is [...]

30 December at 4:27

Lathering Liaison: Easy-to-make Cannabis Lotion

I have recently become a creator of my own homemade cannabis lotion. Cheap, store-bought lotions often have an ingredients list that take up the whole back label and are filled with chemicals that are difficult to pronounce. My concerns arose when I found out about Oxybenzone and Octinoxate which are common ingredients in sunscreens. Theses [...]

18 August at 3:21

Incredible Edibles: Triple Baked Loaded Potato Skins

Slowly but surely, stoners all over the world are waking up to the fact that cooking with cannabis means more than just throwing some broken-up buds into a can of chilli. Not that this particular recipe won’t work, it’s just that you won’t even get half of the enjoyment or benefit out of it as [...]

2 August at 2:49

Cannabutter Recipe- How to Make the Best Cannabutter

When it comes to cooking with cannabis, enough is never enough. When you think about each and every food and drink on the face of the earth that turns you on, chances are they really aren’t many that couldn’t be spiced up big time with some killer bud. The only problem being that actually getting [...]

13 July at 1:58

Cannabis Smoothies – How to Make The Perfect Medicated Cannabis Smoothie

Whichever way you look at it, there is no such thing as being too creative when it comes to cannabis. As more states, regions and entire countries than ever before slowly but surely warm to sensible cannabis legislation, we are finding ourselves presented with nothing less than a smorgasbord of incredible ideas and recipes for [...]

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